Fermented foods

01 Oct 2019
by Dr Linia Patel (PHD, RD)

Given the rapid rise in kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut and probiotic products, it’s pretty clear that gut health is on everyone’s mind, and with good reason. Having a healthy gut is so important. More and more research is emerging showing just how important good gut health is for overall wellbeing.

Including Fermented Food in Your Diet

Eating fermented foods can add diverse and satisfying flavours and textures to your diet. Here are some foods that you may want to start including.

Bio-Live Yoghurt

Don’t underestimate this breakfast staple. Yoghurt contains live, active cultures of lactobacillus bacteria that help keep your bad bacteria in check. Greek yoghurt is a good source of protein and calcium.


Sourdough Bread

Made by the fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast, sourdough bread has more of a sour taste and takes longer to digest, which is good for your blood sugar levels.


A fermented milk drink similar to yoghurt, but with a sourer taste and a slight “fizz” which is due to the carbon dioxide produced as the end product of the fermentation process. Kefir is a good source of calcium and rich in probiotic bacteria.


A paste made from fermented soybeans, commonly used as the star ingredient in miso soup. Like other soy foods, miso is a good source of copper – a mineral with antioxidant properties.


Made from fermented soybeans tempeh is high in protein, but also contains a good amount of probiotics. A versatile protein source that soaks up flavour so is a good meat alternative in stir-fries and curries.



If you’re the kind of person that likes to steal pickles off other people’s plates then you’re likely to be getting a nice dose of probiotics and fibre with your burger! Pickles are high in vitamins A and K but don’t overdo it as they tend to be high in salt too.


Produced as a result of lactic acid fermentation, sauerkraut is an excellent source of probiotics, fibre and iron.


A Korean cuisine staple made from fermented vegetables like cabbage and radish seasoned with chilli powder, ginger and garlic. Kimchi is loaded with vitamins A, B and C and the “healthy bacteria” called lactobacilli.

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